The Orange Media Network Advisory Board was established in 1982. The board is primarily responsible for hiring editors and student managers, reviewing and recommending budgets and addressing formal complaints.
The board meets on the last Tuesday of every month during the academic year.
Orange Media Network strives to lead the college media field by elevating diverse student voices through innovative and accessible hands-on media and leadership experiences that challenge views, engage the community and celebrate resilience.
Meetings are held in Student Experience Center 402, and will also have a Zoom option for those wishing to attend remotely. Minutes from this year's meetings will be posted here. For Zoom link information, or for minutes from past years, contact Rhonda Head at [email protected].
Student Members
Chair: Kiara Gurrero, Diversity & Cultural Engagement
Vice Chair: Zach Kowash - Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life
Kate Zaine, KBVR-TV Station Manager
Katie Livermore, Daily Barometer Editor-In-Chief
Mimi Jeandheur, KBVR-FM Station Manager
Jay Enghauser, Prism Editor-In-Chief
Emma Coke, Beaver's Digest Editor-In-Chief
Chaya Barratt, DAMchic Editor-In-Chief
Jaskaran Singh Sidhu, INTO
Megan Ho, OSUPC
Sylvester Omondi, Clubs & Orgs
VACANT - At-Large Student Member
VACANT - Disability Access Services
OSU Staff
John Larison, School of Writing Literature & Film
Jillian St. Jacques, School of Writing Literature & Film
Velyn Scarborough, ELA Director
Steven Sandberg, Orange Media Network Assistant Director