Your ad will appear on all pages on the entire site. Use online advertising to generate traffic to your website or promote an upcoming event or promotion. Placements are run-of-site (placement on all site pages) and may run in rotation with other ads of the same size and position.
Pricing Categories:
Discounts available for ads running monthly or longer!Weekly: Base rate
Ad sizes:
Ads are due two days prior to placement.
A weekly digital newsletter that provides news and tips sourced from The Barometer, KBVR-TV, KBVR-FM, Prism, DAMchic, and Beaver’s Digest.
The Juice publishes Mondays, and camera-ready ads are due the Wednesday prior to publication.
For more information and to place a web or mobile ad, contact your account executive. If you don't have an account executive, contact Velyn Scarborough at [email protected]. To request web ad sizes and pricing in an alternative format, contact Velyn Scarborough at [email protected].